My blog post “Get on your soapbox! R blog content and promotion”
Look into how to add a (category specific) RSS feed to your blog, if there’s not one by default. For R Bloggers, that feed needs to feature the full content of posts.
My blog post about (which means you need to use GitHub…)
Schnack, a simple Disqus-like drop-in commenting system written in JavaScript. read about in a post of Noam Ross’
Not very recent but useful Blog comment systems: Disqus alternatives
In WordPress, built-in.
If you use another service than Google Analytics, I’d be glad to hear about your experience.
The topic of negative feedback is mentioned in The Ladybug podcast about Blogging
Twitter soft block. You can also mute accounts.
When you are wrong, don’t get defensive. Thread below.
Yann, I know you mean well. I saw many people act like you just did in good faith, and get defensive when people pointed that this was not the proper response, until one day they stopped to listen and reflect and ultimately change their behaviour.
— Nicolas Le Roux (@le_roux_nicolas) June 23, 2020
I wish to offer you these tips: