
Should your blog posts still be “knittable?”


  • Be able to update your post short/medium term

  • Same for readers except for private data

But blog posts will age, which is fine, a blog is not a current docs website.

All posts

Need to re-knit posts for migration, tool updates?

Or use the R Markdown output after a point (.md), potentially with YAML/other tweaks.

When I migrated from Jekyll to Hugo I used the .md, not .Rmd.

Evergreen posts

If you want a tutorial to be evergreen you’ll need to ensure it works with the latest packages etc.

But are tutorials like package vignettes?

Reproducible analyses

How to archive your computing environment?

It might be “easier” to archive the analysis elsewhere (tools for scientific articles) and link to that from the blog post.


For you, for readers.

  • Add session info to bottom of posts

  • Mention data origin (URL to data?)

Common sense

  • Backup

  • Make note of anything that might be tricky (dev version of a package)

What’s your own take?