Your ORCID profile, Twitter profile, GitHub profile, etc.
No dead ends please!
Weekly newsletter featuring links to blog posts but also slidedecks, etc., about R.
Ingests the entire feed and repost posts.
It can take time from feed submission to feed validation.
E.g. Twitter.
Write a clear text, post URL, add a few hashtags, image (or carefully crafted infographics?) + alternative text.
Search Engine Optimization
Add links to your post
Read resources by marketers
On social media?
In comments? For Hugo, as an alternative to Disqus.
(not constructive feedback)
Have a support system.
You don’t have to respond publicly, or at all.
If you were wrong, listen and do better.
Distill metadata
Hugo custom layout
Do you need numbers? E.g. if you blog at work.
Are you ok using Google Analytics?
Alternatives? Matomo Analytics, others?