Hugo (blog/hugo)down

A powerful static generator, usable with R Markdown.


Powerful and fast static generator

Only an .exe to install 🎉


R 📦

  • R Markdown output formats

  • Handy helpers, possibility to create custom workflows to process your website as you see fit

  • RStudio add-in to create posts

Active development, many users and educators.


R 📦

  • An R Markdown output format

  • Handy helpers

Experimental. Markdown first. I use it for this website.

From Rmd to website

Under the hood

graph LR; A[Rmd] --> |"R ( blogdown/hugodown 📦)
& Pandoc"| B{md} B --> |"Hugo (Goldmark, Chroma)"| C[HTML]

Inspired by Emi Tanaka’s post

From Rmd to website

What you do

graph LR; A[Rmd] --> |"🔵 knit button"| B{md} B --> |"hugo build (locally or cloud)"| C[HTML]

🚠 Time for a demo!

Notes on the course website

Scientific Rmd Blog Checklist

  • R Markdown
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Modern
  • .bib
  • [?] Citation for posts (possible but custom layout)
  • Equations

Sustainability: blogdown

Created by:

Yihui Xie ), Christophe Dervieux ), Alison Presmanes Hill [aut] ()

Used for Alison Hill’s website, in particular.

Active development.

Sustainability: hugodown

Created by:

Hadley Wickham [aut, cre]

Used for, in particular.

Off and on development.


  • blogdown docs are outdated (book update planned). Markdown output not a first-class citizen yet.

  • hugodown is a minimal WIP package.

  • Hugo changes a lot (but both blogdown and hugodown protect your projects from that)

So blogdown or hugodown?

blogdown is more mainstream, ultimately it will have more features and docs.

hugodown is more for DIY minimal workflows.

Further resources

Listed on the course website 📒

Questions, comments?

Write them in the chat!

Time for a break 🍵
